About Chamber
Chamber of Economy of Sarajevo Canton was established in 1910 is an independent, non-government, non-profit, public-legal association of juristic and physical persons. Its activities are: to represent the members’ interests in the authorized state bodies, in preparing economic legislation, in adopting measures and mechanisms of economic system and policy; to provide other services like as business information, presentations, promotions, representing, fairs etc; to organize training and education in the management, financing and other skills needed to companies, to make demands to the government in establishing a system of secondary, higher and no formal education, that require companies and has 15 councils which are consists of representatives of universities, government and companies, whose role is to consider the problems of sectors and initiate requests to the government on the harmonization of legislation in each of the individual sectors.
Our activities are:
Representation of its members’ interests in the authorized state bodies, specially in preparing economic legislation, in passing measures and mechanisms of economic system and economic policy and in determining macro development policy;
- Provision of various services to its members (business information, expert advices presentations in the country and abroad, organized participation’s in exhibitions, fairs etc.).
- Organization of functional and permanent education in order to innovate knowledge of managing and expert persons in economy;
- Mediation in solving disputes among its members, ensued due to the disregard of the business morale and good ethical standards;
- Carrying out public jobs, including preparation for concluding collective agreements on salaries and other job conditions.